Christine Soja
Teacher, Wayfinder Life Coach, She Recovers Coach, Art Witch

I have always been curious about life and eager to experience new things. I like to observe, I like to find patterns. I am also restless, wanting to learn, to grow, to find a deeper meaning and connection to something greater than myself.

I have a Master’s Degree in Education am a ICF Certified Wayfinder Life Coach and a She Recovers Coach. I also have training in Astrology, Creative Facilitation, Therapeutic Art Life Coaching, and Visual Art Teaching. I have been a Stay-at-Home and a working (for money) Mom. My joy of learning and teaching has prepared me to guide others through the processes I have learned and leaned on.

Completing three #100day projects has taught me the magic of creative expression.

Where our attention goes, energy flows.

Engaging with Christine is the perfect nudge to move in a positive direction, creatively, in a non-threatening way. Her energy and excitement around the benefits of nurturing your creativity is inspiring. In working one on one, not only does she make you motivated to try something new, however big or small, she also understands and helps navigate potential barriers in choosing
to do new creative things.
— Client