Art is what happens when you haven’t figured out how to say it.
— Dr. Angela Davis

Art Lab

A bi-monthly pop-up virtual space for art witchery.

Get on the list and you’ll get the link.

Over the past 10+ years, my journals have been a safe place for me to express myself. Journal pages aren’t meant to be works of art, or even ever seen by anyone else, but a place to play, to dance with your creativity, to meditate on the ups and downs of life.

So many of us judge or were judged by our artwork. The emphasis put on the final product and whether or not it’s “Good.” In art journaling, we get to learn about what we like in the process, without judgement. Our wounded creativity can come out and play.

The process is the goal. We can create our own rituals, routines and create worlds of our own. You can work fast, or slow. You have permission in the journal to make a mess, not finish things, say the thing you don’t dare to say yet out loud.

What if we lived our lives this way? Slowing down and enjoying the process, instead of worrying about being judged (even by ourselves!) or how it looks on the outside?

Try it… you’ll like it…